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* OPENING * das techno cafe

location_ondas techno cafe, Wien calendar_monthtue. 29/04/2025 schedule17:30

das techno cafe  - deine Afterwork & Outdoor Party 
since 1996

Sommer Beginn = OPENING im das techno cafe 

FUN, Flirts, Drinks, Electronic Music, Dance, BBQ and Kiss
Im wohl schönsten Garten mitten in Wien.

Single price Quantity Total price
Early Bird Slot 1 - 17:30 -19:00
calendar_monthtue. 29/04/2025

Single price: 10,00 Euro Quantity:
0,00 Euro
Early Bird Slot 2 - 19:00 - 00:00
calendar_monthtue. 29/04/2025

Single price: 11,00 Euro Quantity:
0,00 Euro
Total cost:0 Article0,00 Euro
Booking fee:
inclusive all service fees and transaction costs
Subtotal:all prices are incl. VAT.

das techno cafe
Es gibt limitierte Vorverkauf Tickets.
Eingang an der Gästeliste + Hauptkassa.

NEU: Time Slots
für die früheren und späteren Gäste 😍

Abendkassa Tickets zusätzlich Vorort erhältlich.

Wegbeschreibung * OPENING * das techno cafe

  • location_on

    das techno cafe

    Volksgarten PAVILLON
    1010 Wien

  • calendar_month
    tue. 29/04/2025
  • schedule


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Last name(s)
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Shopping Cart

  Tickets in the shopping cart are not reserved
TicketpriceTotal price
Hardticket:Hardticket + gift packaging:
incl. printing and shipping
Booking fee:
inclusive all service fees and transaction costs
Total including VAT:
Note: ticket i/O GmbH is not itself the organizer of the event offered. The event is carried out by the organizer, who is also the issuer of the tickets. ticket i/O GmbH merely arranges the tickets on behalf of the organizer. The organizer is Sandra Kendl, Am Haanbaum 3/24, 3001 Mauerbach
Furthermore, ticket i/O GmbH arranges ticket insurance from AGS Pier GmbH.

Payment method